The Metadata Profile of the Open Data Format

The Open Data Format (ODF) profile gives an overview of the metadata elements’ and attributes’ semantic definition and constraints. The documentation of the metadata specification is the basis for the internal programming work of the project. It is also necessary concerning interoperability. For example, external developers may want to adapt the metadata specification developed here for their projects. Besides the documentary function, a profile is a handy tool for validating a metadata file. Data producers can check upfront whether their data product will work with the technical solutions developed in this project. For example, if you create an XML metadata file in the ODF-specification yourself, you can validate it. For this purpose you can use the (XML profile) from this repository and upload it, together with your XML metadata file (metadata.xml) to the website of the CESSDA Metadata Validator.

The metadata component of the Open Data Format follows the DDI-Codebook 2.5 schema. As mentioned on the DDI Alliance website, “DDI is a very flexible and complex standard that may be used by various projects or organizations in ‘customized’ ways that best answer specific needs. DDI profiles allow different agents or agencies to specify exactly how they use the DDI XML format, and thus help achieve seamless transfer and interoperability of DDI instances. A DDI profile describes the subset of valid DDI objects used by an agency for a specified purpose. This is documented in a DDI-XML format, which allows a set of declarations to be made, identifying specific fields in the DDI which are ‘Used’ or ‘Not Used’. Various other qualifications can be made to restrict or default permitted values for specific elements, and human-readable documentation can be added” (Source:

The template for the development and documentation of the Open Data Format profile is the DDI-Codebook 2.5 schema. The description text is mostly taken from the “Linked Field-Level documentation” of the DDI-Codebook 2.5 schema ( Some text passages we have adapted or supplemented and made the changes notable by marking them with the characters <modyfied text>.

ODF DDI Profiles

The DDI XML profile of the ODF holds a set of constrains that use Xpath syntax to define the usage of elements and attributes. The Xpath syntax uses a path notation, like those used in URLs, for addressing parts of an XML document. There are three types of constrains for the usage of the nodes: mandatory, optional, and mandatory if parent element is present.

Using some examples, we explain the implementation of the three constraints within the XML profile file, which is necessary for validating the actual XML file that stores the dataset’s metadata component. For a complete human-readable view of the profile, skip to the section Complete Profile View or take a look at the XML profile CSV file.

Mandatory Constraint

The function of the var node is to hold multiple pieces of information describing a variable at different hierarchical levels. Since a dataset without variables is not a dataset by definition, it makes sense that the var node is a mandatory element of the Open Data Format metadata specification.

element.label element.description xml file xml_classification
19 variable This element describes all of the features of a single variable in a social science data file. //codeBook/dataDscr/var mandatory

Table 1: Example for an mandatory constraint within the ODF Profile.

    <pr:Used xpath="/codeBook/dataDscr/var" isRequired="true">
            <r:Content>Required: Mandatory</r:Content>
            <r:Content>ElementType: Content element</r:Content>                             
            <r:Content>Usage: This element describes all of the features of a single variable in a 
            social science data file. 

Code 1: Respective XML Code for the example presented in Table 1.

Optional Constraint

The metadata specification of the Open Data Format allows providing a lengthier description of a variable that goes beyond the variable label. Since an extended variable description may not always be necessary, the profile declares the Xpath //codeBook/dataDscr/var/txt optional.

element.label element.description xml file xml_classification
23 variable description Lengthier description of the variable. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/txt optional

Table 2: Example for an optional constraint within the ODF Profile.

    <pr:Used xpath="/codeBook/dataDscr/var/txt" isRequired="false">
            <r:Content>Required: Optional</r:Content>
            <r:Content>ElementType: Content element</r:Content>         
            <r:Content>Usage: Lengthier description of the parent variable.</r:Content>         

Code 2: Respective XML Code for the example presented in Table 2.

Mandatory if Parent Element is Present - Constraint

The metadata specification of the Open Data Format supports multi-lingual labels and descriptions for several dataset elements like variables or values, which makes it necessary to declare the language of the text element using the attribute @xml:lang. For example, if a variable description exists (even if it is optional), the declaration of the language is mandatory.

element.label element.description xml file xml file
24 language tag Attribute to specify the language of the . <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/dataDscr/var/txt\[@xml:lang\] mandatory if ‘txt’ element is present

Table 3: Example for an “mandotory if parent element is present” constraint within the ODF Profile.

    <pr:Used xpath="/codeBook/dataDscr/var/txt/@xml:lang" isRequired="false">
            <r:Content>Required: Mandatory if 'txt' element is present.</r:Content>
            <r:Content>ElementType: Attribute element</r:Content>
            <r:Content>Usage: Attribute to specify the language of the variable description>. Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.</r:Content>         

Code 3: Respective XML Code for the example presented in Table 3.

Complete Profile View

element.label element.description xml file xml_classification
/codeBook mandatory
The top-level element, codeBook, also includes a version attribute to specify the version number of the DDI specification. //codeBook\[@version\] mandatory
//codeBook\[@xmlns\] mandatory
//codeBook\[@xmlns:xsi\] mandatory
//codeBook\[@xsi:schemaLocation\] mandatory
study Information about the data collection, study, or compilation //codeBook/stdyDscr mandatory
Provides bibliographic information for the work. //codeBook/stdyDscr/citation mandatory
Provides title statement for the work. //codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt mandatory
study title Study title //codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/titl mandatory
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the <study tile. <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/titl\[@xml:lang\] optional
parallel study title Title translated into another language. //codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/parTitl optional
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the study title. <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/parTitl\[@xml:lang\] optional
dataset Information about the data file(s) that comprises a collection. //codeBook/fileDscr mandatory
Provides descriptive information about the data file. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt mandatory
dataset name Contains a short title that will be used to distinguish a particular file/part from other files/parts in the data collection. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileName mandatory
The complex element fileCitation provides for a full bibliographic citation option for each data file described in fileDscr. To support accurate citation of a data file the minimum element set includes: titl, IDNo, authEnty, producer, and prodDate. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCitation optional
Title statement for the work. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCitation/titlStmt optional
dataset label Full authoritative title for the work (…) A full title should indicate the geographic scope of the data collection as well as the time period covered. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCitation/titlStmt/titl optional
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the . <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCitation/titlStmt/titl\[@xml:lang\] mandatory if ‚titl‘ element is present
parallel dataset label Title translated into another language. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCitation/titlStmt/parTitl optional
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the . <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCitation/titlStmt/parTitl\[@xml:lang\] mandatory if ‚parTitl‘ element is present
dataset description Abstract or description of the file. A summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the data file, special characteristics of its contents, major subject areas covered, and what questions the PIs attempted to answer when they created the file. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCont optional
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the . <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileCont\[@xml:lang\] mandatory if ‘fileCont’ element is present
For clarifying information/annotation regarding the . //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/notes optional
This element permits encoders to provide links from any arbitrary element containing ExtLink as a subelement to electronic resources outside the codebook. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/notes/ExtLink optional
dataset url Attribute to provide an URL for more detailed information on the dataset. //codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/notes/ExtLink\[@URI\] mandatory if ‘ExtLink’ element is present
variables Description of variables. //codeBook/dataDscr mandatory
variable This element describes all of the features of a single variable in a social science data file. //codeBook/dataDscr/var mandatory
variable name The attribute “name” usually contains the so-called “short label” for the variable, limited to eight characters in many statistical analysis systems such as SAS or SPSS. //codeBook/dataDscr/var\[@name\] mandatory if ‚var‘ element is present
variable label A short description of the variable. In the variable label, the length of this phrase may depend on the statistical analysis system used (e.g., some versions of SAS permit 40-character labels, while some versions of SPSS permit 120 characters), although the DDI itself imposes no restrictions on the number of characters allowed. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/labl optional
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the . <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/dataDscr/var/labl\[@xml:lang\] mandatory if ‚labl‘ element is present
variable description Lengthier description of the variable. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/txt optional
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the . <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/dataDscr/var/txt\[@xml:lang\] mandatory if ‘txt’ element is present
category A description of a particular response. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/catgry optional
category values The explicit response. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/catgry/catValue mandatory if ‘catgry’ element is present
category labels A short description of the . //codeBook/dataDscr/var/catgry/labl optional
language tag Attribute to specify the language of the . <Use ISO-639-1-Code for language subtags, e.g. en for English.> //codeBook/dataDscr/var/catgry/labl\[@xml:lang\] mandatory if ‘labl’ element is present
The technical format of the variable in question. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/varFormat optional
variable type Attributes for this element include: “type,” which indicates if the variable is character or numeric; //codeBook/dataDscr/var/varFormat\[@type\] mandatory if ‚varFormat‘ element is present
For clarifying information/annotation regarding the . //codeBook/dataDscr/var/notes optional
This element permits encoders to provide links from any arbitrary element containing ExtLink as a subelement to electronic resources outside the codebook. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/notes/ExtLink optional
variable url Attribute to provide an URL for more detailed information on the variable. //codeBook/dataDscr/var/notes/ExtLink\[@URI\] mandatory if ‘ExtLink’ element is present