# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct 17 12:25:16 2024
@author: thartl
import pandas as pd
import os
import tempfile
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import shutil
import zipfile
import xml.dom.minidom
def write_odf(x, path, languages = "all"):
Write a pandas DataFrame or Series to an Open Data Format (ODF) file.
This function saves the provided pandas dataframe (`x`) to an ODF file, including
metadata stored in its `attrs` attribute. Metadata can optionally be filtered by
x : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series
The pandas object to be saved to the ODF file. It should have metadata stored in the `attrs` attribute for inclusion in the output file metadata.xml.
path : str
The file path (including filename) where the ODF file will be saved. Ensure the path ends with `.zip` to specify the correct file format.
languages : str or list of str, default "all"
Specifies which language(s) of metadata to include in the ODF file.
Options include:
- "all": Include metadata for all available languages.
- A single language code (e.g., "en").
- A list of language codes (e.g., ["en", "de"]).
Edge cases like empty strings or `None` in the language list are handled gracefully.
The function writes the file to the specified `path` and does not return a value.
If `x` is not a pandas DataFrame or Series.
If `languages` contains invalid values.
- Metadata from the attributes (`attrs`) of `x` is included in the file.
- Multilingual metadata, if present, is processed according to the `languages` parameter.
Write a DataFrame to an ODF file, including all metadata:
>>> import opendataformat as odf
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2], "B": [3, 4]})
>>> df.attrs = {"label_en": "English Label", "label_de": "German Label", "description_en": "Example dataset"}
>>> odf.write_odf(df, "output.zip")
Write a DataFrame to an ODF file, filtering metadata by language:
>>> odf.write_odf(df, "output.zip", languages="en")
Write a DataFrame to an ODF file, including metadata for multiple languages:
>>> odf.write_odf(df, "output.zip", languages="all")
if (not isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame)):
raise TypeError("Input not a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame")
path = os.path.realpath(path)
if not path.endswith(".zip"):
path = path + ".zip"
# convert anlanguages to a list or if languages = ["all"] unlist it
if languages != "all" and not isinstance(languages, list):
languages = [languages]
if isinstance(languages, list) and len(languages) == 1:
if languages[0] == "all":
languages = languages[0]
if isinstance(languages, list) and (None in languages or '' in languages):
languages += ["label", "labels", "description"]
# Extract the filename from the path using os.path.basename (cross-platform)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
# Get the path of the system's temporary directory
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
# Create the full path for the temporary directory based on filename
temp_subdir = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename.split('.')[0])
# Remove the directory if it already exists
if os.path.exists(temp_subdir):
# Create the directory
os.makedirs(temp_subdir, exist_ok=True)
# write raw data as csv to the output folder
x.to_csv(temp_dir + "/" + filename.split('.')[0] + "/data.csv", index = False)
# Create the root element
root = ET.Element("codeBook", {
"xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"xmlns": "ddi:codebook:2_5",
"xsi:schemaLocation": "ddi:codebook:2_5 http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Codebook/2.5/XMLSchema/codebook.xsd",
"version": "2.5"
# Add study description section
stdyDscr = ET.SubElement(root, "stdyDscr")
citation = ET.SubElement(stdyDscr, "citation")
titlStmt = ET.SubElement(citation, "titlStmt")
ET.SubElement(titlStmt, "titl").text = x.attrs.get('study', "")
# Add file description section
fileDscr = ET.SubElement(root, "fileDscr")
fileTxt = ET.SubElement(fileDscr, "fileTxt")
ET.SubElement(fileTxt, "fileName").text = x.attrs.get('dataset', "")
fileCitation = ET.SubElement(fileTxt, "fileCitation")
titlStmtFile = ET.SubElement(fileCitation, "titlStmt")
# Get labels
labels = {}
for k,v in x.attrs.items():
if (k == "label" or k.startswith("label_")):
labels[k] = v
# keep only relevant languages if languages != 'all'
if isinstance(languages, list):
labels = {key: value for key, value in labels.items() if key.split('_')[-1] in languages}
first_label = True
for key,value in labels.items():
if (len(key.split("_"))==1):
lang = "NA"
if first_label == True:
ET.SubElement(titlStmtFile, "titl").text = value
first_label = False
ET.SubElement(titlStmtFile, "parTitl").text = value
lang = key.split("_")[1]
if first_label == True:
ET.SubElement(titlStmtFile, "titl", {"xml:lang": lang}).text = value
first_label = False
ET.SubElement(titlStmtFile, "parTitl", {"xml:lang": lang}).text = value
# Get descriptions
descriptions = {}
for k,v in x.attrs.items():
if (k == "description" or k.startswith("description_")):
descriptions[k] = v
# keep only relevant languages if languages != 'all'
if isinstance(languages, list):
descriptions = {key: value for key, value in descriptions.items() if key.split('_')[-1] in languages}
for key, value in descriptions.items():
if (len(key.split("_"))==1):
lang = "NA"
ET.SubElement(fileTxt, "fileCont").text = value
lang = key.split("_")[1]
ET.SubElement(fileTxt, "fileCont", {"xml:lang": lang}).text = value
# Add external link to the dataset
notes = ET.SubElement(fileDscr, "notes")
ET.SubElement(notes, "ExtLink", {"URI": x.attrs.get('url', "")})
# Add data description with variable Metadata
dataDscr = ET.SubElement(root, "dataDscr")
for col in list(x.columns):
var = ET.SubElement(dataDscr, "var", {"name": col})
if x[col].attrs == x.attrs:
metadata_dict = x[col].attrs
# Get labels
labels = {}
for k,v in metadata_dict.items():
if (k == "label" or k.startswith("label_")):
labels[k] = v
# keep only relevant languages if languages != 'all'
if isinstance(languages, list):
labels = {key: value for key, value in labels.items() if key.split('_')[-1] in languages}
for key,value in labels.items():
if (len(key.split("_"))==1):
lang = "NA"
ET.SubElement(var, "labl").text = value
lang = key.split("_")[1]
ET.SubElement(var, "labl", {"xml:lang": lang}).text = value
# Add English and German descriptions for the variable
descriptions = {}
for k,v in metadata_dict.items():
if (k == "description" or k.startswith("description_")):
descriptions[k] = v
# keep only relevant languages if languages != 'all'
if isinstance(languages, list):
descriptions = {key: value for key, value in descriptions.items() if key.split('_')[-1] in languages}
# Add file content descriptions in multiple languages
for key, value in descriptions.items():
if (len(key.split("_"))==1):
lang = "NA"
ET.SubElement(var, "txt").text = value
lang = key.split("_")[1]
ET.SubElement(var, "txt", {"xml:lang": lang}).text = value
valuelabels = {}
for k,v in metadata_dict.items():
if (k == "labels" or k.startswith("labels_")):
valuelabels[k] = v
# keep only relevant languages if languages != 'all'
if isinstance(languages, list):
valuelabels = {key: value for key, value in valuelabels.items() if key.split('_')[-1] in languages}
labelled_values = []
for key1, val1 in valuelabels.items():
for key2 in val1.keys():
if key2 not in labelled_values:
for val in labelled_values:
catgry = ET.SubElement(var, "catgry")
ET.SubElement(catgry, "catValu").text = val
for key, value in valuelabels.items():
if (len(key.split("_"))==1):
lang = "NA"
ET.SubElement(catgry, "labl").text = value[val]
lang = key.split("_")[1]
ET.SubElement(catgry, "labl", {"xml:lang": lang}).text = value[val]
# Add variable format
ET.SubElement(var, "varFormat", {"type": x[col].attrs.get('type', "")})
# Add external link to the variable
var_notes = ET.SubElement(var, "notes")
ET.SubElement(var_notes, "ExtLink", {"URI": x[col].attrs.get('url', "")})
# Add indentations and line breaks
# Convert the ElementTree to a string
xml_str = ET.tostring(root, encoding='UTF-8')
# Use minidom to pretty-print the XML
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str)
pretty_xml = dom.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
# write xml to a file
with open(temp_dir + "/" + filename.split('.')[0] + "/metadata.xml", "w", encoding = "UTF-8") as f:
dataset_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename.split('.')[0])
zip_path = os.path.join(path)
# Create a zip file and add files to it
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zipf:
zipf.write(os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'metadata.xml'), arcname='metadata.xml')
zipf.write(os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'data.csv'), arcname='data.csv')
print(f"File sucessfully written to {zip_path}.")