# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Nov 14 17:12:37 2024
@author: thartl
import pandas as pd
def docu_odf(x, metadata = "all", languages = "all"):
Extract and display metadata from a pandas DataFrame or pandas.Series.
This function processes the metadata stored in the `attrs` attribute of a pandas object,
allowing for selective extraction by metadata type or language. Metadata includes fields
such as labels, descriptions, and URLs.
x : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series (single variable metadata)
The input pandas object from which metadata will be extracted.
metadata : str, default "all"
The type of metadata to extract. Options include:
- "all": Display all available metadata.
- "label", "labels": Display and return dataset or variable labels.
- "description": Display and return descriptions.
- "type": Display and return types.
- "url": Display and return URLs.
- "valuelabels": Display and return value labels.
Aliases for these options are supported (e.g., "Value labels" for "labels").
languages : str or list of str, default "all"
The language(s) to filter metadata by. Options include:
- "all": Process metadata for all languages.
- A single language code (e.g., "en").
- A list of language codes (e.g., ["en", "de"]).
Edge cases like empty strings or None are handled gracefully.
dict or str
Extracted metadata as a dictionary. If only a single metadata field is found,
returns the metadata as a string instead.
If `x` is not a pandas DataFrame or Series.
If `metadata` or `languages` contain invalid values.
- Metadata is stored in the `attrs` attribute of pandas objects.
- This function supports multilingual metadata if provided in the input.
Extract all metadata from a DataFrame:
>>> import opendataformat as odf
>>> df = pd.DataFrame()
>>> df.attrs = {"label_en": "English Label", "label_fr": "French Label", "url": "https://example.com"}
>>> odf.docu_odf(df)
label_en: English Label
label_fr: French Label
url: https://example.com
Extract specific metadata type:
>>> odf.docu_odf(df, metadata="label")
label_en: English Label
label_fr: French Label
Extract metadata filtered by language:
>>> label = odf.docu_odf(df, metadata="label", languages="en")
label_en: English Label
>>> print(label)
English Label
Extract dataset level metadata from a DataFrame:
>>> df = odf.read_odf("example_dataset.zip")
>>> df.attrs = {'study': 'study name',
'dataset': 'dataset name',
'label_en': 'label in english',
'label_de': 'label in german',
'description_en': 'details in english',
'description_de': 'details in german',
'url': 'https://example.url'}
>>> odf.docu_odf(df)
study: study name
dataset: dataset name
label_en: label in english
label_de: label in german
description_en: details in english
description_de: details in german
url: https://example.url
Extract specific variable metadata:
>>> odf.docu_odf(df['variable_name'])
label_en: english label
label_de: german label
url: https://example.url
Extract specific metadata type:
>>> odf.docu_odf(df, metadata="label")
label_en: English label
label_de: German label
Extract metadata filtered by language:
>>> label = odf.docu_odf(df, metadata="label", languages="en")
label_en: English Label
>>> print(label)
English Label
if not isinstance(x, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
TypeError('x is not a pandas data frame or a columns of a pandas data frame')
# convert anlanguages to a list or if languages = ["all"] unlist it
if languages != "all" and not isinstance(languages, list):
languages = [languages]
if isinstance(languages, list) and len(languages) == 1:
if languages[0] == "all":
languages = languages[0]
if isinstance(languages, list) and (None in languages or '' in languages):
languages += ["label", "labels", "description"]
if languages != "all" and not isinstance(languages, list):
raise ValueError("languages not valid")
if metadata=='all':
metadata_out = {}
for key, value in x.attrs.items():
if key in ['dataset', 'url', 'type']:
print(f'{key}: {value}')
metadata_out[key] = value
elif 'labels' in key:
if (languages == 'all'):
metadata_out[key] = value
if key == 'labels':
lang = ''
lang = key.split('_')[-1]
print(f'Value Labels {lang}:')
for val, lab in value.items():
print(f'{val}: {lab}')
if key.split('_')[-1] in languages:
metadata_out[key] = value
print(f'Value Labels {key.split("_")[-1]}:')
for val, lab in value.items():
print(f'{val}: {lab}')
if (languages == 'all'):
print(f'{key}: {value}')
metadata_out[key] = value
if key.split('_')[-1] in languages:
print(f'{key}: {value}')
metadata_out[key] = value
return metadata_out
if metadata in ['Labels', 'labels', 'label', 'Label']:
metadata = 'label'
elif metadata in ['description', 'Description', 'Descriptions', 'Descriptions']:
metadata = 'description'
elif metadata in ['valuelabels', 'valuelabels', 'valuelabel',
'value labels', 'value label', 'Valuelabels',
'Valuelabel', 'Value labels', 'Value Label']:
metadata = 'labels'
elif metadata in ['type', 'Type', 'types', 'Types']:
metadata = 'type'
elif metadata in ['URL', 'url', 'URI', 'uri']:
metadata = 'url'
raise ValueError('metadata must be one of following options: "all", "label", "labels", "description", "descriptions", "valuelabel", "valuelabels", "type", "types", "url"')
output = {}
if languages == 'all':
for key, value in x.attrs.items():
if key == metadata or key.startswith(metadata + "_"):
if metadata == 'labels':
print(f'Value {key.replace("_", " ")}:')
for k,v in value.items():
print(k + ": " + v)
output[key] = value
print(key + ': ' + value)
output[key] = value
if metadata in ['label', 'description', 'labels']:
for lang in languages:
if lang not in ['label', 'description', 'labels']:
if metadata != 'labels':
if lang != None and lang != '':
print(metadata + '_' + lang + ': ' + x.attrs.get(metadata + '_' + lang, 'Not found'))
output[metadata + '_' + lang] = x.attrs.get(metadata + '_' + lang, 'Not found')
print(metadata + ': ' + x.attrs.get(metadata, 'Not found'))
output[metadata] = x.attrs.get(metadata, 'Not found')
if lang != None and lang != '':
if isinstance(x.attrs.get(metadata + '_' + lang, None), dict):
print(f'Value labels {lang}:')
for val,lab in x.attrs.get(metadata + '_' + lang, {}).items():
if (lab == None):
lab = 'None'
print(val + ": " + lab)
print(f'Value labels {lang} not found')
output[metadata + '_' + lang] = x.attrs.get(metadata + '_' + lang, 'Not found')
if isinstance(x.attrs.get(metadata, None), dict):
print('Value labels:')
for val,lab in x.attrs.get(metadata, {}).items():
print(val + ": " + lab)
print('Value labels without language tag not found')
output[metadata] = x.attrs.get(metadata, 'Not found')
for val, lab in value.items():
print(f'{val}: {lab}')
print(metadata + ': ' + x.attrs.get(metadata, 'Not found'))
output[metadata] = x.attrs.get(metadata, 'Not found')
if output == {}:
print('Metadata ' + metadata + ' not found')
# if we have only one output, return the output as string instead of as dictionary
if len(output) == 1:
output = next(iter(output.values()))
return output